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To promote the prevention of child abuse and neglect in Out-Wayne County through effective collaborations and prevention activities.


It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child

Formally organized in 1985, this organization began as a brown-bag lunch group consisting of a small number of dedicated professionals from private agencies, public health, hospitals and social services. Receiving funding from the Children’s Trust Fund, the group gave small grants to agencies or schools in Out-Wayne County communities for projects to help prevent child abuse and neglect. 

Child’s Hope, then known as the Out-Wayne County Council for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, was an all volunteer group until the early 1990’s when we were able to afford to hire an executive director. Soon after, the name was changed to Child Abuse Prevention Council of Out-Wayne (CAPCO). The organization flourished, expanded programs, and wrote materials to distribute. The strength has always been, however, with board members who freely give their time and talents to do this work.

We continue to be result-oriented and dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect, truly giving a Child Hope.

2025 Meeting Schedule

Tuesday, January 14th @ 5:30 PM
Via Zoom

Gala Celebration April 17th @ 6:00 PM
The Henry Hotel

Tuesday, July 8th @ 5:30 PM
Via Zoom

Tuesday, October 14th @ 5:30 PM

Current Memberships

Member - Children Trust Michigan Local Prevention Council

Member - Michigan National Association

Member - Wayne County Safe Sleep Coalition

Member - Kiwanis Club of Michigan Dearborn/Dearborn Hts.

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