Child’s Hope takes time to strategically select programs that are evidence-informed and responds to the needs of Out-Wayne County families and children of ALL colors. Through a racial equity lens we ensure that we do not leave anyone behind.
Education is Prevention
Strengthening Families is Prevention

Let's Protect!
Educate and Empower, Speak and Listen, Believe and Act
(Adverse Childhood Experiences)
(Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences)
Learn how to effectively talk, protect, and report the threat or suspicion of child sexual abuse.

These gatherings are peer to peer conversations that are guided by the Strengthening Families research-based framework that is used to transform and strengthen families.
Schedule all of these offerings for your community groups and staff at no cost to you!
Email us at or
Call us at (734)743-1944
Funded by Children Trust Michigan
Hope Delivered
Child's Hope periodically partners with other community organizations to provide basic needs resources to outer Wayne County families.
Examples of these initiatives are laundry support, community baby showers, and hygiene products distributions.
Check our events page, find us on social media, and sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter to stay in the know.
Previous initiatives have been funded by Children Trust Michigan, Eagles for Children, and MetroWest CU
This is an engaging literacy program for preschoolers, kindergarteners, and their parents/guardians that build social-emotional support and language development.
Funded by PNC Foundation
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Survivor Story